Review of A Williamsburg White House Inn 3*

Foramen M.


This place talks itself up like a Hilton, but it feels more like a two star days inn, that forces you to get up at 9 in the morning. Why you ask? Here are just a few things we had to deal with during our stay 1) Showers either burn you or freeze you, seriously old school plumbing. If your paying anything above $150 a night, its reasonable to expect properly functioning showers. Crappy showers easily put a damper on your vacation. 2) Weird motel 2 in 1 shampoo conditioner: One measly bottle of crappy shampoo/conditioner for the two of us. Seriously? I've had better in highway motels. 3) Breakfast: For a "luxury" bed and breakfast, the breakfast was decidedly ho-hum. Wasn't the worst we've ever had, that was at a 2 star hotel in Puerto Rico, but it was close. 4) You're expected to be there at 9 for breakfast. Are we in middle school? Sometimes, vacations don't go as planned, sometimes, you need some extra time for your hair. Sometimes you just wanna press snooze. They expect you downstairs, at 9 sharp, for breakfast, and they're not flexible about it. They hand you breakfast, put on some patriotic music, and then off they go to their own things, hardly any service, not what we expected for a "luxury" bed and breakfast. 5) They're political beliefs are clear and in your face: I'm not a democrat, I'm quite moderate in fact, but sometimes I just want a quiet stroll through a colonial town thinking about how we're all one big happy country. Then, when I stroll back, I don't want to see a sign that says "Republic parking only. " I go inside, and I don't want to see their museum exhibit devoted to Clinton's mistakes. I get it, everyone likes a good laugh at politicians, heck, who likes em? But, not all of us are republican, why should I be made to feel unwelcome at the place just because I'm not republican? We've been to bed and breakfasts up and down the eastern seaboard, and across the country. This was our worst experience so far. Perhaps yours will be better, but we felt it necessary to share our own.