Review of Royal Kahana 3*

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I wrote to The Royal Kahana first, but they did not even respond to me. This is what I wrote: I am shocked by the treatment I received from Jim Johnson earlier today. I hope his behavior does not reflect your establishments values. My husband and I are almost 40. We have both been hearing about the beauty of Maui and the aloha spirit our entire lives. We could not wait to get settled in our condo and experience it for our selves. We walked down to the beach. With less than an hour out in Maui we got a bit turned around and came through your gate (a very short distance from where we were supposed to exit). We knew it wasn't our condos, but ours is directly across the street and we believed that they had the same owners. Regardless, soon as we went through we followed the exit signs through the parking garage and out to the street. We were almost to the street when Jim started yelling at us, following us to the street, "Hey, the two of you. I'm talking to you. " I turned and asked if there was a problem. He did not ask if we needed help or any guidance. Obviously if he works here, he knows the area and could have provided us with some guidance. He wanted to know if we were staying at The Royal Kahana. I told him no and that we were staying across the street, had gotten a bit turned around and asked again if there was a problem. He said yes and that we weren't allowed on the property. It was so odd. We were on the property for less than two minutes. We were a bit lost and he seemed to be having some emotional break down about it. He declared that it was his responsibility to make sure that "people who didn't belong there stayed off the property". I could actually see his pulse racing. Geez, we had already walked through the parking garage and left. What if we were there to inquire about a rental!?! He didn't even introduce himself to us. I had to call to get his name. Needless to say we will never be patronizing your facilities. I understand that this will not effect your business, I just thought you should be aware of his outburst and what that shows tourist about your establishment. That entire experience was so odd. I am still having a hard time wrapping my head around his emotional reaction. Maybe he is having some personal problems, but I just can't believe how inappropriate it was to take it out on us, especially since we had already left. I hope I meet some Hawaiians tomorrow. That was certainly an awful introduction to Maui.