Review of Oakwood at Third Square Apartments

Philip T.


After living in Third Square for two years, we were horribly abused during our move out process. During the middle of our move, we came back to our apartment to move the remainder of our stuff to our new apartment, and arrived to find the locks already changed, despite having not yet returned our keys or receiving any notice this would occur. What's worse is that we discovered that the staff illegally entered our apartment, and threw all of our items into trash bags, destroying many of them in the process. This included throwing many of our kitchen items into an existing trash bag, filled with litter and cat poop. Our nice set of knives now had feces smeared all over them. Several of our other items had also been covered in feces, including saffron that two of our friends had brought us back from Iran (good luck replacing that). A litter mat from one of the bathrooms that currently had urine and feces on it was thrown in with several bathroom items, including important medicines (seriously Third Square, what's with rubbing feces on our stuff? ). As if the poop festival was not enough, Third Square decided it would be a good idea to throw ice cream and other frozen and refrigerated items into the unrefrigerated bags with our items, ruining a difficult to replace dish mat. Among the other destroyed items:
* A pair of Epi pens.
* Medicinal herbs from Joint Ventures.
* Harvard PhD graduation gown and cap.
* A photo of my fiancee and I during a trip to California Having to dig through these bags was one of the most disgusting experiences of my life, and I've cleaned out latrines in the woods before. All in all, we easily had over $1000 worth of property destroyed, and had to spend an entire day salvaging what we could. To make matters worse, when we got our final cleaning bill, Third Square had to audacity to CHARGE US for throwing our items into trash bags.