Review of Comfort Inn & Suites 3*

James B.


BED BUGS! Yes, bed bugs! Now let me begin by saying the staff on-duty were as accommodating as possible. The problem lies with the GM of this place. Bed bugs are not the hotel's fault and I do not, in any way, mean to cast this hotel in a bad light as it is a nice facility and serves the purpose of a hotel in all of the right ways. With that said, after already moving once due to a location issue we arrived in room 316. After returning from dinner we (my travel companion and I) discovered bed bugs on and around the bed. At 10pm on a Sunday night and a business meeting the next morning we resigned to moving a third time in lieu of seeking another hotel that late at night. The on-duty manager spoke with the GM via phone who replied with this: they can go to another hotel and we won't charge them for this room or they can change rooms and we will give them a discount. Knowing how absurd of a comment that was considering we were exposed to bed bugs, we thoroughly checked another room away from 316 and got the best rest achievable after discovering bed bugs in the hotel. Our discount? $20 off of our room! Yes! How absurd do you think this GM is? I called this GM the following day after returning home and having taken extreme measures to ensure we did not bring any uninvited guests into our own homes which is a fairly tedious undertaking because, after all, bed bugs are a scary thing to encounter anywhere, much less your own home. After attempting to relay how poorly this person handled the problem and citing multiple reasons for our distress while there and to prevent infestations in our own homes and giving multiple circumstances of good customer service in other service-based industries, this GM still did not grasp the severity of this situation. I told him to have someone from the hotel's ownership group (it is an independently owned franchise) call me within 24 hours of our phone call (ample time to relay a message) or I would not be kind in my review. I could have given them the benefit of the doubt because they did not bring the bed bugs into the hotel but the GM drastically failed in his customer service approach. I could have written a review that said we encountered an issue but the hotel took every step possible to rectify the problem and I would recommend staying there while never detailing the circumstances. But, away from the staff working that night (who had no authority to do much away from moving us), the hotel severely failed us in the most drastic way and I feel future patrons need to be aware of this. No one from the ownership group reached out to me which is unfortunate but it is most likely due to the GM not relaying the message in the first place. The remedy is to fire this GM and hire someone who understands hospitality services and customer services. Other than that, I would recommend the hotel assuming they properly eradicated the bed bugs.

Nightly rates from $80

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