Review of Balneari Termes Victòria 3*

Jes R.


There are observations of anthropocentric curiosities that no observer should have reason to do at this stage in human history, but which nevertheless remain necessary to communicate given the tortuous empyria that touches us, to account for the delay (mental and ideological) of the country. Haynos in a first meal at the Victoria Spa de Caldas de Monbui, when at the end one of the diners takes the rest of the 1.5 litre bottle of water to take it. You don't expect the head of the dining room — or whatever: a short man and that his gesture puts him immediately on the list of studs — that raucous and fast intervenes by saying that nothing can be taken out of the dining room, that if you want water you will sell it in the cafeteria. Although the unhappy transgressor of this norm that he did not know is perplexed and replies that so that he will buy more water if he has already paid for that one, the truth is that it is affixed and left on the table. The diners at the adjoining table who probably had the same intention and don't think of such a transgression on the label and go like a few sheep to buy two 25 centilitre bottles from the cafeteria next door. The famous Catalan racanería account for details such as the commented, something that on the other hand will not add or take profit from the establishment. The truth is that details like these are those that influence the bottom line of a hotel stay to return on another occasion or let it run for never Those who have made the military distinguish the cavalry sergeants to a league and those who do not, they know that disobeying in other people's territory always creates one or the other complication. Like absurd rules are not maintained for lack of legitimacy (and in the case we speak of for lack of legality) those in need of water bottled between hours and who do not want to pay it for repeated may find a way to take it off the table when the sheriff will turn around and look elsewhere.

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Book Balneari Termes Victòria