Hotels Near Dobong-gu Public Health Center, Seoul

Address Seoul, South Korea

Dobong-gu Public Health Center is a government-run healthcare facility located in the bustling city of Seoul, South Korea. The center is dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and services to the residents of Dobong-gu and the surrounding areas. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment and staffed by highly trained medical professionals who are committed to providing the best possible care to their patients.

The center offers a wide range of medical services, including general medical care, pediatric care, women's health services, dental care, and mental health services. The center also offers a variety of health education programs and resources to help patients stay healthy and prevent illness.

The facility is modern and well-maintained, with spacious waiting areas and comfortable exam rooms. Patients can expect to receive prompt and courteous service from the friendly and knowledgeable staff. The center is open seven days a week, with extended hours on weekdays to accommodate busy schedules.

Overall, Dobong-gu Public Health Center is a top-notch healthcare facility that provides excellent medical care and services to the community. Patients can feel confident that they will receive the best possible care and attention at this state-of-the-art facility.

Changdong Property Seoul
Free Wi-Fi Parking

Changdong Property is located in Seoul, 11 km from Changgyeonggung Palace, 12 km from Changdeokgung Palace, as well as 12 km from Gwangjang Market. Both free Wi-Fi and parking on-site are available at the villa free of charge.

Number of rooms: 2

3F, 16-8, Dobong-ro 134-gil, Dobong-gu, 01401 Seoul, South Korea