Review of Пансионат Ультрамарин 1*



The Ultramarine full divorce. Arrived as agreed. The entire staff at first and then began: Light periodically shut down because they have worth transformer; Internet works through time; all toys for children paid: ball, trampoline, bicycles, swing. And you will know when the children have already played them. But this is only the beginning! Thou shalt not eat lunch — sick and portions for children. And OFICIANKA JANA obsčitala us on a tidy sum (this we asked counted only 1 day because the suspect that we ate as much unnecessary 900r and drew), and the hosts didn't even apologized. With 3 days we have running to eat in coffee. But when vacationers are taking requesting a recalculation of the nutrition host us drove from boarding house 1:00 on Dove. I am so terribly rested.