Review of Palace 2*



So start from the beginning. Rested with his girlfriend in this hotel with 02.01. On 06.01 «Раlace hotel» how many in this word for ear Russian merged, as it's switched off, but the lyrics are not about this hotel. We flew at night in Israel, Ben Gurion airport from where we were met by private transfers with дядечкой speaking in Hebrew, but apparently for Russian-speaking visitors has in the glove compartment disk Soyuz 13» with the hits on our native language. The road from the airport to г. Нетании (they call it Netanya) took about 40 minutes and here we are at the entrance of our hotel, even for not very experienced traveler the hotel to say the least poor, with the entrance to the picture does not change, but the more the worse was registered and they led us show room, corridors, lift, balcony between the buildings are all so killed, one gets the feeling that the hotel hundred years not less, led us to look the room, and then started it all: opening the door and turn on the light on the bedding, helter-skelter, fled family, well or flock, cockroaches, shouted and замахав hands, we burst out of the room. Ask to change rooms, 10 minutes our expectations and we have the keys to the room, open the door cautiously turn on the light, a little better, but the creature only in profile lie in the bathroom, предсмертно moving his mustache, time later option remains, we are trying not to what not to touch leave bags and with a sad mood down, because. Still have noticed on arrival at the entrance to the hotel restaurant AA'ishah Mama» with Russian text ads that set meals for only 50 shekels per person, on a court yard 2 January 2010 as not to celebrate our arrival on the Holy Land, the waitress and whether mistress whether senior Manager of the restaurant emigrant from the former USSR, corresponding to Israeli nationality quickly having espied the new objects of their earnings hastily come up to us with the words: «What would you like? » ordering something there they hooked us and the song started, we tell the stories that almost В. Винокур I came to Israel from the threshold carried in their eatery and wife there it celebrated the anniversary, actually, fairy tales were such foldable Korney Chukovsky probably would have envied her, but without lohan and life is bad. After listening to the tales, the us is working on a sightseeing trip as it turns out later and carry out the window we show that this Nazareth, where Jesus was born, but the hanging gardens (the speed we fly past them). But as it turned out later, just these two дамочкам desperately needed to buy in Tiberias sandals, skirt and children sweets, and we sponsored their program! So, back to our hotel: the Next morning, are determined to go to another hotel, shoot the room, we decided to try our luck with the Khans of the woman, too, «our», more Mature age working in the hotel apparently a senior Manager. And, lo and behold, we were given the room, he seemed much better, makes it different from the previous presence of sunlight during the day everything is not so bad) and the lack of cockroaches in the first couple of days, but sooner we rejoiced on the third day of our stay the night after the regular excursions tired of lying on the bed discuss, share impressions, but then on the phone rushing cockroach, whether he was from tours through the hotel or do not warn him that we «such capricious» so we are called local, saying cockroaches are the norm for Israel and they still fly бррррр soon leave. Get down tonight, speak again Khan that room again cockroaches, and here you should have seen her face (sorry camera was not at hand, it is not prepared to such a point) glasses of us jumped on the nature of lush Breasts still became more elaborate, ) ) ) «As cockroaches?! » she said in a tone higher than usual, from her question you might have thought that we live in a VIP room, and he fenced wall of China from pilgrimage тараканьего, we were promised to sort out the morning with our creatures, but until the morning I thought not to live, because I woke up at night that the same исчадье hell ran my hand. Khan two days to sell us water for 10 NIS per bottle, which is 100 rubles), and the third, announced that a cooler with free water in the hotel, and she can't understand why we don't use it (we are not, of course, before't be talking about it). Here is the whole story about the hotel «PALACE» Breakfast in the hotel кашерный: cottage cheese, cheese, herring, entered once into the dining room (very shabby, as it is elsewhere) : coffee you can drink, rest on a hungry lover. 06.01.10 our sufferings are over and we went on a 2 day of the Dead sea, great staff, good weather, good impressions. My advice — do not regret 100-200 dollars for an extra charge for the best hotel. In this hotel, not тянущем even 1 star, you could seriously spoil the rest.


I subscribe to the words of the previous holidaymakers hotel the Palace hotel — minus 5*the darkness of a dog, it could not be so, and complete lack of sanitation! cockroaches and suffocating smell of detergents in confined almost premises, not even the rooms. People save your nerves, you give good money for vacation, and in return receive невроз. Не take 100-200 usd, but choose another hotel. All for a good rest, BUT NOT IN the PALACE.